Photographing Bands: Getting Access
Lately I've been doing more and more band photos and I was asked by a couple people to write how I went about taking those photos. So by popular request, here it is. My thoughts on photographing bands. Third post, getting the access. Once you master this, you're golden.
The Great Secret
I'm about to dispense the secret to getting access to bands. Are you ready? This will blow your mind. Go to free music events, send the photos to the band, then ask to be their photographer. That's it! Seriously, it's not rocket science. If you don't stick your foot in the door, you're never going to get into the scene.
My first event that I photographed was BRFC (Breaking Records for Charities), and BloodTypeG was performing. After I took the photos, I sent Milad the photos, and that was it. I'm now "in" with the band. Since then, I've gone to dozens of performances (mostly restaurants) to practice my craft. These next four images are from a band called Dr. OHH and Friends performing at an art exhibit. You can click on them for larger versions.
Can you guess how I photographed them? I just walked up and started doing it. You can't expect to get any music work if you haven't shot any music events. It's just one of those things you have to experience in person. "Who's going on solo?," "Man! The drummer is KILLING it!," "Can't forget the Bass Guitar player," all these things won't come to you until you take the initiative and just go photograph events.
IMPORTANT: Always be courteous when photographing at restaurants. You're not the only one who wants to see this band. Even if someone wants to photograph them with their phone, be kind and let them take the photo. In the end, everyone will win.
I realize this is a short post, but realistically, that's all the advice I can give. Just put yourself out there and take the initiative in taking band photos. I guarantee, you're going to love it. Next week, I'm going over one of my favorite things to photograph in a band, the Guitarist. Yes, I play guitar. And yes, I'm biased.